Babymonster revealed fandom name and prototype light stick 🤪

Описание к видео Babymonster revealed fandom name and prototype light stick 🤪

#babymonster #baemon #monstiez #lightstick
Babymonster has officially announced their fandom name through Babymonster's official YouTube channel. Recently, babymonster released a new video titled baemon news7, in which they revealed that monstiez is the official fandom name for babymonster fans. Rami further explains that the name monstiez is a combination of the word 'mons' from babymonster and the word 'tiez' which means close relationships or bond. In the video babymonster play various and interesting roles. Rora begins the video as a news anchor ,reading the success of the girl group babymonster. Rami played the role of a reporter outside yg building revealing the fandom name and also interviewing two babymonster fans. Ahyeon and pharita took the role of monstiez, cosplaying as babymonster fans. Asa played the role of a kpop expert predicting that babymonster upcoming full album will rock the world. Asa also brought along babymonster prototype light stick during her interview. Meanwhile chiquita played the role of a fortune teller ,although her predicting wasn't clear and lastly ruka played the role of a weather announcer, revealing babymonster weather news for their song forever. Congratulations to babymonster fans on their official fandom name Monstiez.


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