Articulation point and Biconnected Components in Graphs | DAA | Algorithms

Описание к видео Articulation point and Biconnected Components in Graphs | DAA | Algorithms

In this video we discussed definition of Articulation point and procedure to find out the articulation points in the given graph.
Articulation point is a vertex in a graph, if it is removed, graph will split into components.

This video explains what is an articulation point ( also known as Cut Vertex) and how to detect the articulation points in a given graph.I have shown both the cases for a node or vertex to become a articulation point using examples and intuition for each step.I have also shown the dry run to find the articulation points using tarjans algorithm.At the end of the video, I have shown the code walk through for the entire algorithm.It is highly recommended that you first watch my video on Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected components.All links are present below.

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