Skate Nomad, aka Mike Boisvert is A talented and unique skateboarder who has made it his mission to travel to every country to meet the skaters and see how they live within their environments.

I had been following his journey for a while and was a huge fan. I am inspired by what he does. And when one day he reached out to me to saying that he was coming to America and wanted to do an episode on my life in the off grid on his way to the Jackalope fest, I was unaware of how my life was going to become inspired.

Excited I agreed, he mentioned this would be his first trip to the US. from one traveler to another I knew I could help him & I said I would take month off to guide hime along his journey.

A month later he flew in.

I was supposed to meet him at the airport at 9pm, when I got he strange text from him after he just arrived saying that “they won’t let him in”. So I just kept circling LAX hoping to hear back. after four hours of circling the airport and not hearing from him I pulled over and accidentally fell asleep.

A few hours later, I woke in a panic to find a bunch of missed messages from him saying that he got interrogated four hours and then got stranded in the airport with no food or sleep. I immediately contacted him and luckily was able to locate him and take him right to the nearest Denny’s for a grand slam breakfast! hahah welcome to the US.

We immediately connected and were both pretty out of it but like all good skate tourist we went right to Venice beach. It was quite interesting because even though it was like 8am in the morning there were so many skaters and surprisingly they kept coming up to Mike saying they recognized either him or his voice from his YouTube show.

We shredded for a few hours, then mike naturally wanted to see Hollywood 16 and the walk of fame.

After doing the rounds at the Hollywood 16, Mike really wanted for his own personal goal to maul the famous Brian Herman kick flip nose Manny spot. But strung out and sleep deprived it ended up, being his first battle of LA, and boy was it a battle. You can see in mikes eyes that he is filled with love and passion that has been straight up put to the test thru life fallacies. A test that he seems to have overcome. Much like the battle of this nose manual, it is the battle for Mike to experience life at its fullest and to document and share along the way.

After that, we made our way to Off grid desert to begin work on our episode. The whole way mike has a his own personal schedule of posting, filming , and editing. And boy are the margins tight. Throughout the entire world, he has created , all on his phone. His passion and work ethic is uncanny, and so is his process.

Spent a couple days in the desert, and then made our way into our first week of our tour around the US 2024

Pleas join us to celebrate the diverse community of skateboarding.

#world #travel #skateboarding


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