Ivan Cattaneo "Dancin' Number" @ "Pronto Raffaella?" 1985

Описание к видео Ivan Cattaneo "Dancin' Number" @ "Pronto Raffaella?" 1985

"Dancin' Number" fu presentato in anteprima nel programma tv "Pronto Raffaella?" condotto da Raffaella Carrà su Rai Uno. Per alcuni giorni fu tema di un quiz telefonico con i telespettatori: Ivan era mascherato in studio e la Carrà faceva ascoltare un frammento del brano appena inciso ma non ancora pubblicato e distribuito; bisognava indovinare l'interprete di questa canzone. Dopo alcuni giorni Ivan fu "smascherato" da una telespettatrice. "Dancin' number" è un gradevole brano dance composto da Ivan e realizzato col gruppo dei Dadavox (prima che diventassero Datura); Ivan promosse il brano per tutta l'estate al Festivalbar, in tour e in tante altre trasmissioni tv.

Dancin' number

Four, three, two, one
Dance for me, dance for you
Keep rockin' together forever and ever
We can be always free
Like numbers like passion forever and ever
Why think you can change your mind?
At first you can take your time!
Dance all day, dance all night
Your clock will be runnin' and i will be climbin'
I'm in you, i'm for you
A number a single a match with no other
Special feelin' while the beat goes on
No tension no danger no more lies
Maybe you could tell it
All night long to
All night long to me!
Why is not a game forever?
I'm in you so
Why is not a game forever?
I love you so
Why is not a game forever?
I'm for you so
Why is not a game forever?
I love you, love me do
One, two, three, four
Dance for me, dance for you
Keep rollin' together forever and ever
Face to face
One plus one
Enjoy what today is not comin' tomorrow
Special feelin' while the beat goes on
No tension no danger no more lies
Maybe you could tell it
All night long to
All night long
To me
Why is not a game forever?


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