In today's podcast, we sat down with ACM ICPC World Finalist Vivek Gupta, a 5th year Dual Degree student from IIT Kharagpur. He's an International Master(2300+) at Codeforces as well as a 7 star(Red) on Codechef. He also done Internships at Google and Adobe, and received a PPO from Google.
We talked about his Journey in Competitive Programming, how he started, what are the problems he faced during his Journey to becoming the Best. We also discussed about some common problems(and possible solutions) that people face while doing Competitive Programming, and he also gave some tips and tricks to people who want to reach his level at CP, and become a red coder.
Part-2 related to Tips on ACM ICPC from a World Finalist, coming really soon.
Vivek's startup:
AlgoZenith empowers students and professionals to learn Algorithmic Problem Solving, helps them get offers from top product-based companies, and perform better in Competitive programming.
Facebook: / algozenith
Do follow the FB page for any new updates of materials and the start of new batches. You can also message on FB for any queries.
Vivek Gupta's handles:
Linkedin: / vivekgiitkgp
Journey of a Red Coder | International Master(2300+) in Codeforces | 7 star(Red) in Codechef | GeekyBaller
#competitiveprogramming #acmicpc #worldfinalist #google
Some useful websites for Competitive Programming mentioned in the Video: (Codeforces) (Codechef) (Hackerrank) (Hackerearth) (SPOJ) (A20J ladders) (GeeksForGeeks)
Editing: Rajarshi Nag / mister_obvious_
I'm a 3rd Year Under-Grad from IIT Kharagpur trying to explore my passion. Follow me for videos on Career, Sports, Travel and more podcasts with amazing people.
Instagram : @geeky_baller
/ geeky_baller
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