擁抱世代從教育開始:劉安婷 (Anting Liu) at TEDxTaipei 2013

Описание к видео 擁抱世代從教育開始:劉安婷 (Anting Liu) at TEDxTaipei 2013

Teach for Taiwan 發起人

劉安婷,台北出生,台中長大的台灣囝仔。 2008年從台中女中畢業時,同時推甄上的台大外文與政治系,也自學英文考上美國十所名校,最後選擇就讀提供全額獎學金的普林斯頓大學。她的故事,在當時寫成『學會堅強,我考上普林斯頓』一書出版。


過去這一年,她同時在紐約的顧問公司工作,同時和台灣的夥伴們建築Teach for Taiwan的夢想,希望結合台灣年輕人改變的力量,使孩子無論出身都能得到應有的陪伴。接下來,她即將搬回台灣,專心圓夢。邀請您,加入她的旅程!

Founder, Teach for Taiwan

Born in Taipei and raised in Taichung, Anting first came under the spotlight when, in 2008, having taught herself English, she received acceptances to both National Taiwan University and 10 top US colleges. She eventually set off to Princeton University, and published her story in a book titled, "I Boast in my Weakness".

At Princeton she studied at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, spending extensive time working in Haiti, Cambodia, Ghana, France and Switzerland. She snatched the top thesis prize with her work when she graduated, yet she couldn't stop wondering: is what I do relevant to where I am from?

Since then, Anting worked at a management consulting firm in New York, while starting a team in Taiwan to experiment with the idea of "Teach for Taiwan" -- recruiting college graduates to become quality teachers in communities in need. Now, she is moving back to Taiwan to officially launch the program -- and invites you to join her on this next journey along with other "fools" that are dreaming for a generation.

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