How we cook Foundation DB / Daniil Gitelson (OW Service)

Описание к видео How we cook Foundation DB / Daniil Gitelson (OW Service)

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FoundationDB is a low-level ACID database with nice guarantees designed as a ‘foundation’ for high level DBMS’es. None was actually created, so we had to roll our own

FDB is a simple key-value ACID database with nearly 6 operations. So we had to build high level API around it supporting
– Document-like storage with indexes
– Time-based and client-centric partitioning of historical data (e.g. payments history)
– Queues

We evolved this layer from a simple Kotlin library to a separate service. In this talk I will speak on how FDB works and how we implemented that layer squeezing max performance out of it.


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