#Miyagi #MichioMiyagi #Japan #kotor

TRIBUTO AO JAPÃO E A MICHIO MIYAGI é uma homenagem à bela natureza do Japão, com suas distintas cores sazonais, e ao compositor japonês que revolucionou o uso do koto, em seu país, apresentando em suas obras a nítida estatura de um gênio. A profundidade de algumas de suas peças reporta o autor deste vídeo à sua própria concepção do que se possa classificar como música clássica, numa concepção abrangente, que envolve inclusive algumas das suítes derivadas de trilhas sonoras do cinema. A saber, uma concepção que leve em conta aspectos como a existencialidade implícita, a dramaticidade e a complexidade, não somente técnica, do processo de composição, visto que tal processo de avaliação não deve ocorrer somente com base em peças isoladas, mas no conjunto de peças do compositor, bem como na complexidade relacionada aos timbres, harmonias e processo histórico em curso.

TRIBUTE TO JAPAN AND MICHIO MIYAGI is a tribute to the beautiful nature of Japan, with its distinct seasonal colors, and to the Japanese composer who revolutionized the use of the koto in his country, presenting in his works the clear stature of a genius. The depth of some of his pieces leads the author of this video to his own conception of what can be classified as classical music, in a comprehensive conception, which even involves some of the suites derived from cinema soundtracks. Namely, a conception that takes into account aspects such as the implicit existentiality, the drama and the complexity, not only technical, of the composition process, since such an evaluation process should not occur only based on isolated pieces, but on the set of composer's pieces, as well as the complexity related to timbres, harmonies and the ongoing historical process.

Michio Miyagi (1854 - 1956)
1. Seoto (0:00)
2. Haru no Umi (5:46)
3. Sarashi-fu Tegoto (13:45)
4. Rondon no Yoru no Ame (22:38)
5. Isazu-gawa (33:55)
Yamato Ensemble

6. Tegoto (38:47)
Tomoko Sunazaki

Best performance: full screen/ HD.

Free images. Highlights for Pixabay profiles:

The video consists of a creative and interdiscursive paraphrase, involving the concept of bricolage. It is based, as a work of art, on the dialogical relationship between 1) the author and his subjectivity (times, places and memories, alluded to through images, 2) the musical composition and its characteristics and 3) the interpretation of music (with its unique and non-transferable nature). Such interdiscursivity does not occur in the typical and most common level of verbal language, if not in a secondary way, involving photography and musical sound stimuli, which are interconnected and constitute, by the massive combination of various elements (the various photographs and sonorous and interdiscursive stimulus), a bricolage. The video, on the other hand, can be considered an imagery interpretation of classical music.


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