Labor’s nuclear scare campaign ‘looking desperate’: Chris Kenny

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Sky News host Chris Kenny says Labor's scare campaign is “already looking desperate” as the nuclear debate ramps up.

“Lots of strong rhetoric but kind of short on for facts, for context or for acknowledging the energy mess that they're presiding over at the moment," Mr Kenny said.

“Anthony Albanese and his climate and energy minister Chris Bowen are spinning around like wind turbines trying to find an argument to justify their outright opposition to nuclear energy.

“Well, when I say outright, it's not that straightforward, their stand is much more illogical and hypocritical than outright opposition – you see they support nuclear energy for other countries apparently.

“And they're also fine for Australia to get nuclear-powered submarines and press them into service around our coastline and have them moored in our harbours. That's okay too.

“But Albanese and Bowen don't think Australian electricity consumers should have the same benefit of secure, reliable and emissions-free electricity made by using nuclear energy."


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