Juice of Toddy Palm l கள்ளு l KALLU | Natural Juice | Toddy Tapping Method l WEEKEND FOOD & TRAVEL

Описание к видео Juice of Toddy Palm l கள்ளு l KALLU | Natural Juice | Toddy Tapping Method l WEEKEND FOOD & TRAVEL

In India and South Asia, coconut palms and Palmyra palms such as the Arecaceae and Borassus are preferred. It is mainly produced from the lala palm (Hyphaene coriacea) by cutting the stem and collecting the sap. In some areas of India, palm wine is evaporated to produce the unrefined sugar called jaggery.

In India, palm wine or toddy is served as either neera or pathaneer (a sweet, non-alcoholic beverage derived from fresh sap) or kallu (a sour beverage made from fermented sap, but not as strong as wine). Palm sap contains natural yeasts, which perform the fermentation of glucose to alcohol, as well as acetobacter, which subsequently converts the alcohol to acetic acid (vinegar).

In states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,Kerala,Karnataka and in Union Territory Pondicherry , toddy is a popular drink in rural parts that is frequently consumed at the end of the day after work.

In Tamil Nadu, this beverage is currently banned, though the legality fluctuates with politics.



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