Mulan 2020 Review - How Disney mishandled Chinese culture 一个中国女生的《花木兰》影评(吐槽):为什么迪士尼拍不好中国故事

Описание к видео Mulan 2020 Review - How Disney mishandled Chinese culture 一个中国女生的《花木兰》影评(吐槽):为什么迪士尼拍不好中国故事

Mulan (2020) Review from a Chinese viewer.
In Chinese culture, phoenix does not rise from the dead. "True" is not part of our traditional moralities. "Chi" makes no sense. The "castle" is not where Mulan actually lived and is at least 600 miles away from the battlefield…

Mulan Spoiler Alert!
Tenet Reference Alert.



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