Malay Chanting Band - Iman Farrar Mawlid 2022

Описание к видео Malay Chanting Band - Iman Farrar Mawlid 2022

Malay Chanting Band, Multicultural Mawlid Concert 2022
Sydney, Australia

0:15: Diciptakan seorang insan
There was one created

0:24: Lembut hati bak redup pandangan
Who was as kindhearted as he was soothing to the eyes

0:34: Pabila berkata
Whenever he spoke

0:42: Seluruh alam menyaksikan kesyahduan
The whole world was a witness to his nobility

0:55: Bagai tersentuh rasa percaya,tika terdengarkan
and the one whose heart was turned, believed

1:16: Bahagia rasanya mengatakan cinta
With happiness I express my love

1:23: Kepada dia, utusan Allah
To him, the messenger of Allah

1:28: Kerana dia insan mulia
As he is the most noble creation

1:34: Sedangkan diriku insan biasa
And I am just an ordinary person

1:41: Seikhlas kata sepenuh jiwa
With complete sincerity

1:47: Ku luahkan rasa cinta membara
I express this burning love

1:53: Didalam pujian ucapan selawat
Our praises and salutations

1:58: Tanda penghargaan seorang umat
Mark our gratefulness as part of his nation

2:06: Selagi upaya ku turuti ajarannya
I strive to follow his teachings

2:12: Apa terdaya ku amalkan sunnahnya
And try my best to practise his way

2:17: Moga didunia mendapat berkat
Hoping for blessings in this life

2:23: Di akhirat sana beroleh syafaat
And his intercession in the hereafter

2:28: Kerana peribadinya daku terpesona
Awestruck by his character

2:34: Kerana budinya daku jatuh cinta
Overwhelmed by his kindheartedness

2:39: Rinduku padanya tiada terkata
I long for him beyond words

2:44: Moga kan bersama ditaman syurga
Praying that we be gathered in the gardens of Paradise

3:14: Sesungguhnya apa yang ku dambakan
My fervent wish is

3:20: Adalah redha Allah yang Esa
to be accepted by Allah, the One and Almighty

3:25: Kerana cinta kepada Rasulullah
As the love for the Prophet

3:31: Bererti cinta kepada Allah
means the love for Allah

3:38: Selagi upaya ku turuti ajarannya
I strive to follow his teachings

3:44: Apa terdaya ku amalkan sunnahnya
And try my best to practise his way

3:50: Moga didunia mendapat berkat
Hoping for blessings in this life

3:55: Di akhirat sana beroleh syafaat
And his intercession in the hereafter

4:00: Kerana peribadinya daku terpesona
Awestruck by his character

4:06: Kerana budinya daku jatuh cinta
Overwhelmed by his kindheartedness

4:12: Rinduku padanya tiada terkata
I long for him beyond words

4:17: Moga kan bersama ditaman syurga
Praying that we be gathered in the gardens of Paradise

4:25: Sesungguhnya apa yang ku dambakan
My fervent wish is

4:31: Adalah redha Allah yang Esa
to be accepted by Allah, the One and Almighty

4:36: Kerana cinta kepada Rasulullah
As the love for the Prophet

4:42: Bererti cinta kepada Allah
means the love for Allah


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