Range of the Jaguar | Jacksonville Zoo

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Jacksonville Zoo Range of the Jaguar

The Range of Jaguar welcomes us to the Neo-tropics and is a two-time national award-winning South America exhibit. At the edge of the rainforest we find a village area housing the Palm Plaza restaurant & Village Sweet Shop. Past this Jacksonville zoo invites us to journey with them to this amazing and complex world. Where we will explore the many habitats and inhabitants of the Jaguar's range. here we will discover how animals, plants and people connect with one another while also learning about the projects that allow people to manage and use natural resources more wisely while maintaining the land. After we are finished exploring the Range of the Jaguar we will be able to decide what our role will be in protecting the Neo-Tropics.

Plaza Exhibit: Jaguar

Lost Temple
Ancient peoples of the Neo-tropics built pyramids where they ruled their communities and worshipped their gods. After being abandoned and over time the forest around reclaimed these ancient stone structures. What were once places of worship and government are now homes for a diverse range of animals and plants. Here we are asked to picture the passage of time as walk through this habitat, and see how the natural world has reclaimed this land.

Exhibits: Jaguar
Aquatic Caecilian
Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa
South American Bushmaster, Spiny-headed Tree Lizard, Golfodulcean dart frog, Dyeing Poison Arrow Frog, Green and Black Poison Dart Frog.
Jamaican Boa
Puffing Snake
Caiman Lizard, Freshwater Stingray
Amazon Tree Boa
Eyelash Palm Pit viper
Green Anaconda, Amazon Tree Boa
Aruba Island Rattlesnake
Helmeted Iguana
Vampire Bats
Spiny-tailed Iguana

River's Edge: Black Howler monkey, Squirrel Monkey & Giant Anteater
Capaybara, Arrau Turtle
Blue-Billed Curassow

Emerald Forest
The last area to explore is the Emerald Forest, where adaptations have it possible for an incredible variety of animals to live.
Exhibits: Red-footed Tortoise
Double-crested Cormorant, Scarlet Ibis, Inca Tern, Black-faced Ibis, Rosy-billed Pochard, Sunbittern, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, American Oystercatcher, Ruddy Duck, Brown Pelican, Hooded Merganser, Roseate Spoonbill, Double-Striped Thick-knee, Orinoco Goose, Green-winged Macaw, Central American River Turtle, Matamata, Meso-American Slider
Giant Otter
Cotton-top Tamarin

As we exit the Range of the Jaguar and head up the path towards the Land of the Tiger we will came across a pond housing Caribbean Flamingos.

Thanks for joining me on this trek through Jacksonville Zoo Range of the Jaguar. -Brad

Here are a few other videos from the Jacksonville Zoo
Land of the Tiger -    • Jacksonville Zoo Land of the Tiger  
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