
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第203席【古典民器】

古伊萬里的花草、動物、人物、 天地多半有隱喻和奧義,都帶有雅樂、能劇的結構力與敘事性,暗喻了四時流轉與六道輪迴的思想,貫穿於器物之間。

茶品 / 2017年鐵觀音
蓋碗 / 江戶時代古伊萬里染付捻紋蓋碗
壺承 / 江戶時代古伊萬里染付花草鶴紋高足皿
片口 / 中野由紀子藍色刻花硝子片口
水注 / 江戶時代古伊萬里染付絞手藤柄壽紋銚子
茶杯 / 淺原千代治藍色捻紋硝子高足杯
茶入 / 橋村野美知藍弦紋硝子茶入
茶桌 / 李朝螺鈿漆器花草鶴紋長方膳桌

🍵今日の茶席 第203回【古典的な民間の器】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No.203 [Classical Folkware]🍵
Koimari or Old Imari was born against the backdrop of the vibrant commoner culture of the Edo period. Koimari met the hedonistic culture and living needs of the citizens, and is gorgeous, passionate, powerful, and visually striking.
Most of the flowers, animals, people, and nature in Koimari are accompanied by metaphors and hidden techniques, and each of them has the compositional power and narrative quality of gagaku and Noh drama. Metaphors of the changing seasons and the idea of ​​reincarnation in the six realms of Buddhism are consistent themes in ceramics.
It is common to use natural flowers to represent changes over time, or to use animal mimicry to represent the emergence of vitality, and the vessel shape becomes the focal point of the space.
Many pieces express momentum using the simple two colors of green and blue.
At first glance, they are ordinary household items, but if you look closely, you will notice that each one is extraordinary and unique.


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