How to Convert Discrete to UMA A to Z

Описание к видео How to Convert Discrete to UMA A to Z

We receive many questions related to disabling laptop Graphic from website members, so we felt the need to capture a video and show you A to Z of disabling laptop Graphic from DIS to UMA.
So on the video bellow you’ll see different types of boards and find out whether they are convertible into Intel graphics or not. Also on the other hand, you’ll learn how to
use schematics to see how to apply changes to convert them (this only apples to the devices that have the option be converted).
Please keep in mind that DIS to UMA conversion is Not a type of solution but, knowing how to convert the laptops (from DIS to UMA) is a must in accurately troubleshooting laptops.
Hope you enjoy this video and don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments 💚 ;) 😊
This video is dubbed into English!


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