The New Nik Collection 2 - Is it Worth it?

Описание к видео The New Nik Collection 2 - Is it Worth it?

It’s June 2019 and there’s a new version of the Nik Collection just out. It’s the Nik Collection 2. In this video we look at what’s new in the Nik Collection and try to answer the question, is it worth it?

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The Nik collection has long been a favourite image editor for a lot of photographers. It simplifies complex editing tasks and helps you create superb results. It hasn’t changed much in the past 5 years, so each new release is greeted with enthusiasm from a loyal band of users. Is the latest version any different? Watch the video to find out. There’s more to it than you might first expect.

Download your Nik Collection free trial: (affiliate link)

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