Why you NEED Psyscope Pro by FX23 (and Duck by Devious Machines)

Описание к видео Why you NEED Psyscope Pro by FX23 (and Duck by Devious Machines)

In this video I show why Psyscope Pro by FX23 is an indispensable tool for electronic music production. (I also show a little of Duck by Devious Machines, which I think is the best ducking plugin out there, by far.) This is NOT paid promotion. I bought both of these products and have no arrangement with their developers. They're just both THAT good.

Psyscope Pro: https://fx23.net/psyscope-pro/
Duck: https://deviousmachines.com/duck/

If you enjoyed this video, please do me a solid and not only like the video (and subscribe to my channel), but also give me a follow on my TWO different artist accounts on Spotify! Thanks!

Baphometrix: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6OvuA...

DubSkald: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CuK2...

  / baphometrix  


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