The Greatest Words Ever Spoken | Donnie Swaggart | 2023 Camp Meeting

Описание к видео The Greatest Words Ever Spoken | Donnie Swaggart | 2023 Camp Meeting

Pastor Donnie Swaggart reads Luke 24:1-8 teaching on what God has to say about us. Pastor Donnie shares some of the greatest words of many prominent men in history, but none of their words can compare to the greatest words ever spoken by God Almighty. When Mary Magdalene went to the tomb seeking Jesus after His Crucifixion, the angels there said He is not here, He is risen, for why do you seek the living among the dead? Christ became a sin offering so that we can become the righteousness of God. Only Christ crucified can provide the hope that lost mankind is looking for. Just one drop of His blood redeemed mankind. When we believe on His finished work, man is no longer separated from God. The greatest words, of all time, “It is Finished”. Brother Donnie encourages us today, for we never have to have another Calvary, because He lives, we live.


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