Most Extraordinary Giant Gippsland Earthworm

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The giant Gippsland earthworm is one of the largest earthworms native in Australia. These Giant earthworms average at 1 meters long and 2 cm in diameter and can reach 3 meters in length. It is difficult to measure length, as the worms will stretch, so scientists use weight to estimate the size. The average weight of a adult worm is about 200 grams.

They have a dark purple head and a blue-grey body, and about 300 to 400 body segments. These worms are found in the Bass River Valley of South Gippsland in Victoria, Australia. They live in deep burrow systems and require water in their environment to respire. This species spends most of its life within the top 1.5 meters of soil, feeding on roots and soil organic matter. The baby earthworm takes 5 years to reach its mature adult size, and can live for 10 years or more altogether.

The giant Gippsland worm is currently listed as a protected species, and its population has been reduced by the introduction of agriculture into region of Australia. Other limiting factors include its low rate of reproduction and slow development. The giant worm produces one large egg capsule of 4 to 7 centimeters in length, which takes one year to incubate into a single offspring.

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