Stone by stone | Meda Williams, Elizabeth Bishop & Saints

Описание к видео Stone by stone | Meda Williams, Elizabeth Bishop & Saints

Stone by stone | Meda Williams & Saints

   • Protecting Our Bloodline From Pollution
Bro. Vinworth Dayal

STONE BY STONE - Third Exodus Assembly


Babylon, we know types this old sinful flesh
Our worst enemy, who
always tries to get in the way
When God wants to do
something special for us
Jerusalem we know types the soul
It is the soul that God contacts
It is the city that God chose to
dwell and identify Himself in
And though she's been
mocked, scarred,
laughed at, trodden down
and buried deep under
heaps of rubbish
Yet Boaz chose her and He loved her
And we know that
Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem
Stone by stone, by stone,
Jerusalem shall rise and never ever fall

Babylon has fallen,
Jerusalem shall rise
God promised she shall
be built in perilous times
This is the age God chose
to place us in
To fight the fight and to build
the house for our king

Jerusalem shall rise }
Stone by stone, } (3x)
From her filthy clothing, to
her glorious white robe
From the dust to the stars
Jerusalem shall rise

Some through the fire but
those walls are rebuilding
With brotherly love all those
breaches are mending
and we shall not cease until we
hear that last trump sound
Until the capstone comes to
crown the work of the Lord
Jerusalem shall rise

(Our) Jerusalem shall rise }
Stone by stone, } (3x)
From her filthy clothing, to
her glorious white robe
From the dust to the stars
Jerusalem shall rise

[Stone by stone, by stone, by
We're putting down our Faith
[Stone by stone......]
Our virtue and Knowledge
[Stone by stone......]
Temperance and Patience
stone [Stone by stone......]
Godliness and Brotherly
kindness stone [Stone by

Our Chief stone and our Love
[Stone by stone......]
We are marching up Enoch's seven steps
[Stone by stone......]
We're building our Jerusalem
[Stone by stone......]


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