Kumagai Eri | TRUE - DREAM SOLISTER (TV Size) [Linada's Extra] +HDDT 99.06% 574pp #5

Описание к видео Kumagai Eri | TRUE - DREAM SOLISTER (TV Size) [Linada's Extra] +HDDT 99.06% 574pp #5

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What game is this?

osu! is a free-to-win online rhythm game!

osu! gameplay is based on a variety of popular commercial rhythm games. While keeping some authentic elements, osu! adds huge customisation via skins/beatmaps/storyboarding, online rankings, multiplayer and boasts a community with over 500,000 active users! Play the way you want to play, with your own music, and share your creations with others.


This play was uploaded by: Watch The Circles


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