Transit, Belabored: Issues and Futures for the Transit Workforce

Описание к видео Transit, Belabored: Issues and Futures for the Transit Workforce

Transit only works as well as the workforce behind it — those who operate vehicles; those who keep them in order, clean, and secure; and those who plan and manage the network. Frontline transit work can be especially satisfying and secure — but also stressful or unsafe. The pandemic laid bare these realities, as transit agencies across the country lacked workers, leading to canceled service in the short term and delayed service restoration in the long term. Ultimately, transit workforce issues are transit rider issues.

The Mini-Symposium Series, presented by the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, offers a deep dive into pressing issues facing transportation planners and policymakers. Each symposium begins with a session featuring speakers who are academic researchers, government practitioners, and community activists. The second session provides participants with the chance to engage in facilitated discussion, exploring how the shared insights can be applied to their work.

00:00:00 - Welcome
00:05:25 - Introduction to Transit Labor
00:45:48 - Organizing to Improve Transit Work
01:22:15 - Attracting and Building Transit Talent
01:53:58 - Closing Remarks


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