Rayman Legends - Oceans 12 Laser Dance with added FAIL!

Описание к видео Rayman Legends - Oceans 12 Laser Dance with added FAIL!

Rayman Legends on Wii U - Oceans 12 Parody section of the Mansion of the Deep level played by Mark and his Son Tony. An amazing section that blends the laser beams and musical style from the iconic scene in the film oceans 12.

The music playing ["Thé à la Menthe" (subtitled "the laser dance version") by La Caution] and theme of the room bare a uncanny resemblance to the scene in the Ocean's 12 movie, where the Night Fox dances through a laser grid in order to steal an egg from a museum.

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tgsnextgen,the games shed,rayman legends,rayman legends oceans twelve,rayman legends oceans 12,rayman oceans,rayman wii u,rayman wii u oceans,oceans 12,oceans twelve,nintendo wii u,gaming,film style level,game film,film,game,oceans



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