Remaking Global Economic Governance For A Post-Neoliberal Era

Описание к видео Remaking Global Economic Governance For A Post-Neoliberal Era

There are growing calls for bold transformation of the international financial institutions. Widening and extreme inequality, the climate crisis, and demands from Global South countries urge a rethink of the role that the IMF and World Bank play.

On Tuesday 16 April in Washington D.C. Oxfam organized a meeting addressing this very issue, asking: how can we remake and reimagine the World Bank and the IMF for a post-neoliberal era?

The panel, moderated by Rana Foroohar of the Financial Times, featured:

Dr. Adriana Abdenur (Special Advisor, Presidency of Brazil)
Dr. Ndongo Samba Sylla (Africa Research and Policy Director, IDEAs)
Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel Laureate, Author, Columbia University Professor)
With welcoming remarks by Abby Maxman (President of Oxfam America), opening by Nabil Ahmed (Director, Economic and Racial Justice, Oxfam America) and closing by Kate Donald (Head of Washington D.C. Office, Oxfam International).

Organized by Oxfam America and Oxfam International’s Washington D.C. Office.


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