Real PhenoMz - How to Wallbounce on default without rolling #2 (Gears of War 4)

Описание к видео Real PhenoMz - How to Wallbounce on default without rolling #2 (Gears of War 4)

hey ! I did this video long time ago but too quickly some person didn't really understand and the video is not disponible in some country
so here are all the steps to follow
You can try it, I don't play like that every time first because I don't need that to not roll because I mastered default at perfection and second because you finish with no ammo too quickly xD
but enjoy
Give me your feed back and ask me everything you want in the comment section
I'll make a wallbounce tips and tricks video when I will have the time to help you improve your movement
See you !
(the bonus at the end is because too much people think I'm a girl)

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