Lightforged Draenei Female Silly & Flirt VO

Описание к видео Lightforged Draenei Female Silly & Flirt VO

Lightforged Draenei Female Silly & Flirt VO

When in doubt... touch anything that glows.
No, I do not have a glowing stamp above my tail.
Have you met my dog? His name is Barkenon Puppos.
Toes are overrated. Hooves make pedicures go sooooo much faster.
I don't recommend walking barehoof on the Vindicaar. We keep finding tiny shards of crystal that didn't get swept up.
We haven't crashed the Vindicaar yet... but given our track record, it's only a matter of time.
One downside of being Lightforged is that my S.E.L.F.I.E.S. are always overexposed.
Turalyon was the only human I saw for a thousand years. I assumed all of them were grizzled and scarred.
My turn-ons include my eyes, my tattoos, my armor... I mean, what doesn't turn on?
I may be forged in the Light, but I know how to have fun in the dark.
Have you seen Prophet Velen's new dance? He calls it the Mac'Areena.
You must be descended from the naaru... 'cause you've got a heavenly body.
Let's go back to my ship and twist our nethers.


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