How to Do a GAAS Audit (GAAS)

Описание к видео How to Do a GAAS Audit (GAAS)

In arriving at and providing an opinion on the financial statements, auditors follow approximately 1,000 pages of generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)! It takes a great deal of effort and energy to keep up with the current requirements. Designed for everyone in the firm, this course will replenish your tank with an understanding of GAAS needed to fuel high-performance audits under today’s standards. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 30 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of today’s GAAS.

Major Topics:
How today’s GAAS is organized into seven facets of an audit (i.e., general principles and responsibilities; risk assessment and response to assessed risks; audit evidence; using the work of others; audit conclusions and reporting; special considerations; and special considerations in the United States)
Important considerations, determinations and requirements that pertain to each of the seven facets of an audit
Key terminology used in today’s audit process
Aspects of GAAS that have changed the most in recent years
Answers to frequent questions that arise in the application of GAAS

Learning Objectives
Stay current on key aspects of maintaining professional skepticism and exercising professional judgment in the planning and performance of an audit
Proficiently perform audits through an increased knowledge of how the various sections of GAAS interrelate to each other
Skillfully apply the requirements used by auditors on a daily basis

Designed for:
All auditors

Basic audit knowledge



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