Foma Ortho 400, a classic timeless film from Foma.

Описание к видео Foma Ortho 400, a classic timeless film from Foma.

Foma Ortho 400

I gently received 2 rolls of Foma Ortho 400 to review, which I used one with a Hasselblad and another with a Horseman which gives me a bigger format than the regular 6x6.
This is a really fun film to use, with a unique look to it, to which I'll advice all users and viewers of this Channel to buy and try it out for yourselves...
Please do bear in mind that the first roll was developed 2 minutes short, so instead of 10 minutes I developed it at 8 minutes,
therefore getting good shadows and a not blownout highlights.

"Neutrin05 - Home" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

0:00 Intro

0:38 Foma Ortho 400

02:55 Out with the Horseman

04:00 first shots with the Ortho 400

07:47 developing

07:58 Second roll with the Hasselblad

08:40 Final thoughts


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