Play Away S13E12 (1984) - near-full episode

Описание к видео Play Away S13E12 (1984) - near-full episode

[EDIT: It looks like this is the very last episode of Play Away ever, originally broadcast on Saturday, 11th February, 1984. That's still not confirmed 100%, but there's a fair bit of evidence that backs it up, so that's what I'm going with unless and until someone comes up with something concrete. What follows is unedited since the day of upload.]

Can you help date this episode of Play Away (#1 of 3, Simon Says)? I'm afraid the beginning and very end are cut off, so there's no continuity to provide any additional clues, but using, I've managed to narrow it down to a handful of contenders - and if it's from 14/1/84, then this is a missing episode. I'm not convinced, though. Another possibility is that this is the very final Play Away ever made, but I need an expert and/or insider knowledge to confirm a few things. For one, does anyone know for certain whether the six episodes broadcast on BBC1 in July and August 1984 are repeats of those shown on BBC2 earlier in the year? I expect so, but that would men they only repeated half of the 12 that were made, and that's thrown me a bit. Also, there are gaps in the Genome database, so to what extent can we trust it? I'm not going to say on exactly which date I think this was broadcast as I don't want to prejudice anyone else's opinions on the matter - please let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I'll get back to you.

Anyway, the main presenters of this one are Brian Cant, Floella Benjamin, Linda Williams and Matthew Devitt, with John Asquith and Keith Woodhams also getting credits. Amongst the usual quickfire jokes and songs, look out for a very elaborate piece with Brian interviewing himself via a split-screen effect - I wonder if that was really all done in front of the audience, half of it, or a complete pre-record. The tailor shop sketch gave me quite a laugh, and the worms-in-the-apple anti-joke early on is bordering on postmodern. (Get me being all analytical about a kids' show from 30+ years ago.) And what a way to go out if this was the final episode - a reggae-style rendition of the famous theme song! Sorry it got cut off part way through...

Many thanks to Lee for providing this recording.

(This is a transfer from an old videotape, so please don't expect full HD quality. To the best of my knowledge, this material is not available commercially anywhere in the world, and has been uploaded for its historic interest. That said, if you are a copyright holder and object, please don't hesitate to contact me.)


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