I Gave Her My Number - Then THIS Happens!

Описание к видео I Gave Her My Number - Then THIS Happens!

David shows how to get a girls' phone number like a boss by giving yours first and then walking away. Watch as she texts you first! When giving your number, David demonstrates that you need to adopt confident, masculine behaviours with women by not caring if she texts you first. David provides infield London footage from cold approaching women on the streets of London UK.

►Interested In One-To-One Coaching With Me? Book A Call: https://www.davidthorpedating.com

#davidthorpedating #datingcoachformen #coldapproach #datingcoachaustralia

00:00 - Intro
00:33 - Background To The Technique
02:38 - Cold Approach Example
06:56 - She Texts First
07:49 - Outro
David Thorpe is a dating coach for men in Sydney, Australia. David Thorpe teaches guys how to cold approach women, how to text women and how to meet their dream girlfriend.

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