Hope in Jesus (I am a sinner) JuNeve Music Christian

Описание к видео Hope in Jesus (I am a sinner) JuNeve Music Christian

This is the first song I wrote without a specific verse or passage in mind.

verse 1
There is a lot, to this ole life
It doesn’t all, have to be strife
There is love, to be found
To this world, you don’t have to be bound

This world, will soon pass away
To us all, comes judgment day
Many will say, I have earned my spot
In this life, the good fight I fought

In this I cannot lie

I am a sinner through and through
I don’t know what right is, haven’t a clue
My hope is in Jesus
The righteous and true
I am not the way, it is only you.

verse 2
Jesus once said, his yoke was light
His ways are easy, we don’t have to fight
Trust the one True God, and the one he sent.
Now is the time, the time to repent

In this I cannot lie
So I wont even try.


In this I cannot lie
So I wont even try
This is not something you can buy
The price is just too high
Only an offering from on high
The son of God had to die

verse 3
Jesus's way, is the only path
Judgement comes, God's wrath
So we place our hope, in Jesus's name
He changes us, we are not the same


I was a sinner through and through
I didn’t know what right was, hadn’t a clue
My hope is in Jesus
The righteous and true
I now know the way, it is only you.


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