LEARNING PATH From LinkedIn Learning - Worth It?

Описание к видео LEARNING PATH From LinkedIn Learning - Worth It?

#LinkedInLearning #LearningPath

Many will agree that LinkedIn Learning's short courses (i.e., those an hour or less) are sometimes no better than a random YouTube video with more or less the same content. For those looking for more substance in the courses in their LinkedIn Learning subscriptions, here's the answer for you: LinkedIn Learning Learning Paths!

Learning Paths are curated courses that can take days to finish - unless you're ready to sit down for 19-20 hours straight, and complete the course. This video is all about my experiences with taking two Learning Path courses (one completed, one ongoing) and I hope this can help you make the decision on whether or not LinkedIn Learning is still worth your money, brains, and time in 2022.

Hope your learning is better today!


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