Mechanism of friedel crafts alkylation of benzene|Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reactions ben-

Описание к видео Mechanism of friedel crafts alkylation of benzene|Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reactions ben-

authentic Education Channel
Assalam o Alaikum
in this lecture i am going to discuss mechanism Friedal craft Alkylation of Benzene lecture in urdu ,hindi and english.i discuss Mechanism of friedel crafts alkylation of benzene in easy way.introduction of -R in benzene ring is called Friedal craft Alkylation.
Main points of this lecture that are delivered by me :-
1)Definition of Friedal craft Alkylation in benzene.
2) what is Friedal craft Alkylation explanation of Friedal craft Alkylation with suitable examples.
3)i discuss the complete mechanism of Friedal craft Alkylation of benzene with the help of reagents
4)i explain how Friedal craft Alkylation reactions proceed in benzene.
5 i explain the mechanism of Friedal craft Alkylation in urdu hindi and english in very short and easy way.
6) i prove that Friedal craft Alkylation in benzene is electrophilic aromatic substitution Reaction.
7)i discuss Friedal craft Alkylation is an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction.

over All in eletrophilic aromatic substitution reactions ,Friedal craft Alkylation IS 4TH type.
eletrophilic aromatic substitution reactions of benzene
Friedal craft Alkylation of benzene
Friedal craft Alkylation of benzene detail mechanism for FSC BSC and MSC.
eletrophilic aromatic substitution reactions of benzene IN Urdu
-Friedal craft Alkylation of Benzene Mechanism
Friedal craft Alkylation Nitration of Benzene
-Friedal craft Alkylation with complete mechanism
-Friedal craft Alkylation Mechanism for 12th class
Friedal craft Alkylation as Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
Friedal craft Alkylation as Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
Friedal craft Alkylation as Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
-introduction of alkyl group in benzene ring is called Friedal craft Alkylation.

-Friedal craft Alkylation in urdu
-Friedal craft Alkylation in Hindi
-Friedal craft Alkylation in English
-Friedal craft Alkylation in easy way
-Friedal craft Alkylation lecture in urdu
-Friedal craft Alkylation by authentic education.
-friedal craft alkylation mechanism by authentic education channel.
Friedal craft Alkylation of Benzene for FSC.Friedal craft Alkylation of Benzene for BSC.Friedal craft Alkylation of Benzene for MSC.
This lecture is delivered in Urdu/hindi/English. This Chemistry Lecture is for FSC BSC And MSC Students who want to prepare this topic in detail and gain 100% marks.

i am going to tell to this channel is especially for chemistry Lectures and speech. i will deliver chemistry lectures in a simple way . in last if you have any question in this lecture then you may also comment your question

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