The Best & Most Realistic Law Enforcement Training In The Country: [DOCUMENTARY]

Описание к видео The Best & Most Realistic Law Enforcement Training In The Country: [DOCUMENTARY]

Documentary on what we believe to be the BEST Active Threat Training in the Country.

⚡️Please take a look at our other courses, locations, dates here:

The following footage is from a 3 day, intensive and highly specialized Active Threat Training, tailored specifically for Law Enforcement

The course is led by US Special Operations Veterans & Tactical Law Enforcement Officers & is designed for educational purposes, highlighting the need for more of this training for agencies around the country.

You will see raw footage and descriptions, breaking down each day of training and exposing you, through this video, to several scenarios officers and first responders may face at any moment, any day, without warning

Active threat incidents are the most critical calls officers will ever respond to.
Every second counts, and without proper training, lives hang in the balance.

This training isn't just beneficial…it's ESSENTIAL. Agencies across the country need more of this, not less.

Valor Threat Protection and Method Endeavors are dedicated to preparing officers to face the unthinkable with confidence and skill.

During the video and training you will see fundamentals being taught and tactical mistakes being made. We want to release this footage to show the real stress and response humans have when the seconds count and lives are on the line. Above all, we want to reenforce the confidence and mindset to go in and respond, no matter what.

You will make mistakes, you will have chalenges and the only way to improve is constant repetition and exposure
We provided the officers video feedback of every detail during their scenarios & decision-making process to give them the tools necessary to improve on the next run and retain their tactics and decision-making skills on the job.

You will see things in this video that are not pretty, not refined
and that are not tactically scrubbed to be the “coolest“ and most operator style cuts.....
which is exactly why we put this training on. No one will be perfect at CQB out of the box, until they’ve had thousands of reps under the tightest scrutiny and feedback. This is where we start. Small fundamnetals and build in complexity from there.

Our goal is for the officers to mess it up HERE
We want then to get it wrong HERE
We want then to fail HERE… TRAINING
so that when they find themselves in the real world having to face an active threat FOR REAL, they will have already experienced it and know the correct mindset to have and actions to take to ensure lives are saved and threats eliminated.

If your agency is ready to elevate its response capabilities, reach out to us.
Together, let's ensure that every officer is equipped to protect and serve when it matters most

W A T C H N E X T :  

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VALOR IG   / valorthreatprotection  
Inquiries: [email protected]


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