When To BET HUGE With CONTINUATION BETS! [Poker Strategy]

Описание к видео When To BET HUGE With CONTINUATION BETS! [Poker Strategy]

The days of continuation betting small every time and winning are over! Top poker professionals are using various bet sizes to maximally exploit their opponents. Learn how to do the same in this video!

In this poker video you will learn:

o When and how to put maximum pressure on your opponent’s right away.
o What type of hands to use when you’re continuation betting (c-betting) using a huge bet size.

I talk through the strategy that you must be considering when deciding on what bet sizes you should use.

We want to start using slightly larger bet sizes as the flop is more dynamic. This means that the board is likely to change as the turn and the river come.

When you are very deep stacked, if you start to use larger c-bets you will end up getting to stack your opponents with your premium hands!

Remember that calling stations are not often looking at the size of the bet and will call regardless. Against these types of players you should always size up your bets with your value hands! (And stop bluffing them too much!)

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