Huacachina Oasis, Peru | 4k drone

Описание к видео Huacachina Oasis, Peru | 4k drone

Huacachina is a village built around a small oasis and surrounded by sand dunes in southwestern Peru. It is about five kilometers from the city of Ica. Huacachina has a permanent population of around 100 people, although it hosts many tens of thousands of tourists each year.

The name comes from Quechua: wakachina - 'guard, conceal', possibly shortened from wakachina qucha - 'hidden lagoon'.

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Journey to Peru -    • Путешествие в Перу  
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Traveling through Colombia -    • Путешествие по Колумбии  
Life in the Dominican Republic -    • Жизнь в Доминиканской республике  
Turkey, Aegean Coast -    • Турция, Эгейское побережье  
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