Humans in the AI Loop: Preparing the Super Skilled Workforce

Описание к видео Humans in the AI Loop: Preparing the Super Skilled Workforce

NCATC continues to vigorously support and promote the great work and successes for our members piloting, growing, and proving success with the Jobspeaker solutions across the US.

On Thursday, August 22nd we learned more details and real-world experiences about the Jobspeaker implementation and successes focused on:

AI has the potential to radically change the education and workforce ecosystems. 

This session reviews AI basics, what kind of changes can we expect, and what should we be doing now and over time to take advantage of AI technology and blunt its negatives. 

For humans to be in the AI loop, we have to be ready with a set of new and sharpened skills. We will explore this emerging situation with your input as part of the discussion.


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