SEO Power Session | Ranking Hacks, Crawling & Data Analysis

Описание к видео SEO Power Session | Ranking Hacks, Crawling & Data Analysis

In this SEO power session, Daniel Foley Carter of goes through lots of various SEO hacks, crawling tips and ranking impact evaluation examples. Learn about query alignment, query counting, content devaluation vs slippage, understanding query intent, crawling a website, using XPATH and lots more!

Some of the tips include:
Learn how to set up a crawl to get more data
Overcome common crawl issues
Using XPATHS to extract additional data on your crawl
Use the GSC indexing API within your crawl
Hooking up GA in your crawl
Exporting & build a data sheet
Set up a manual click gap analysis with segmenting
Segmenting by clicks and impressions
Dead vs weak content and how to address it

And more!

Access over 30+ hours of SEO training, tips and tricks content

Follow Daniel for more SEO tips and tricks here -   / daniel-foley-assertive  



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