GEOTOP-A | Random polygons in spherical confinement | Uta Ziegler

Описание к видео GEOTOP-A | Random polygons in spherical confinement | Uta Ziegler

In this talk, we provide a summary of the analysis of a large sample of random equilateral polygons in spherical confinement. The analysis illustrates the dependence of the knot spectrum and of geometric properties of the polygons on the lengths of the polygons as well as the radius of confinement. The geometric properties are sometimes also influenced by the knotting complexity. Since our polygons are rooted at the center of the confinement sphere, the presentation also addresses the question of what might happen for a confinement sphere with a radius less than 1. The generation process for the spherical polygons is rigorous, however, the analysis are only based on numerical results.


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