YouthWithYou 青春有你2 EP15未播花絮:陈嘉桦Ella指导金子涵解放天性Ella taught AriaJin to unleash her "natural instincts"

Описание к видео YouthWithYou 青春有你2 EP15未播花絮:陈嘉桦Ella指导金子涵解放天性Ella taught AriaJin to unleash her "natural instincts"

《青春有你2》未播花絮:音乐导师陈嘉桦Ella指导 #金子涵 解放天性,全组组员上线一同演绎崩溃感,画面太“美”,快戳视频了解一下! #iQIYI #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #陈嘉桦 #Ella #陳嘉樺Ella

#YouthWithYou Extra Cut: Vocal Mentor #Ella taught #AriaJin to unleash her "natural instincts". The whole group acted out "emotional breakdown" collectively. It's too "beautiful" to watch! Don't hesitate, poke on this video and get in on the fun!


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