Celeste - Eclair (by Neihra) - clear

Описание к видео Celeste - Eclair (by Neihra) - clear

One of the best standalone maps I've ever played.

The gameplay is very fast paced and uses many different mechanics, mostly variations of dream blocs (aka the best vanilla mechanic). The map is brutally hard, definitely high GM with 2 rooms being borderline hardlist (left heart fragment and the final room, to name them).
The deco is gorgeous, although the many retractable spikes occasionally look a bit out of place. Numerous new sprites, "teleportation" effects, many moving parts and dreamblock-related mechanics are usually a recipe for disaster when it comes to lisibility, but the rooms were actually very easy to read! Only a few sections with reverse dream blocks were a bit obscure, but overall lisibility is definitely one of the map's strong points.

Also shoutouts to the final room making you activate a falling block then chain an ultra on the block *as it falls*. That was cool.


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