Auferstanden aus Ruinen - Hymn of East Germany

Описание к видео Auferstanden aus Ruinen - Hymn of East Germany

In 1949, the Soviet occupation zone of Allied-occupied Germany became a socialist state under the name of the "German Democratic Republic" (GDR). For the nascent state's national anthem, the poet Johannes R. Becher, who later became Minister of Culture, wrote the lyrics. Two musicians, Ottmar Gerster and Hanns Eisler, proposed music to Becher's lyrics, and the version of Eisler was selected.

East Germany would eventually collapse in 1990, being absorbed by west Germany, a common legend says that a americanized west german officer saw the conservative east german army and said "We just killed the German military tradition..."

Special thanks for my friend Solaris

40 Jahre DDR East Germany Military Parade 1989
DDR Palast Der Republik rbb Doku
Deutschland - Immer bereit, Junge Pioniere in der DDR - deutsch
East Germany propaganda- East Berlin 1950


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