Red Eared Slider Turtle Care: Everything you need to know

Описание к видео Red Eared Slider Turtle Care: Everything you need to know

Today’s video is all about Red Eared Slider Care. I will review everything that you need in their tank, and the different tasks you need to do to make sure they are happy and healthy.

One of the most important jobs for taking care of a red eared slider is to ensure that they have a balanced, healthy diet. You should feed them a combination of 2-3 different types of pellets, and once your turtle turns 5 years old, you should start integrating vegetables into their diet. Red eared sliders also love to hunt, so you can also feed them live crickets or worms to help activate their natural hunting skills.

Another aspect of red eared slider turtle care is making sure you have all of the right accessories in their tank. Your red-eared slider tank will need a water heater, a filter, a basking platform, and basking lights that emit UVA and UVB rays.

You can also add decorations and toys to improve the tanks aesthetic and provide enrichment for your turtle. Some options include plants and driftwood.

If you want your red eared slider to have tank mates, you can add fish and snails. However, keep in mind that there is always a chance that your red eared slider eats the tankmates.

Taking care of a red eared slider does not require a whole lot of daily work. Outside of feeding them every day or two, you will just need to perform water changes every two weeks or so and clean the filter every 1-2 months. You should also wipe down your tank with a sponge whenever you see any algae growing on the glass.

I hope that after watching this video, you will know everything you need to know about how to take care of a red eared slider turtle​.

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