WSN's Planet Protectors

Описание к видео WSN's Planet Protectors

This is an educational production I got my hands on in recent times by chance and something I feel inclined to share on here, with full credit to the former WSN Environmental Solutions and creating media company. It looks at waste management in Sydney as it was in the mid-2000s and highlights operational activities that were and still are crucial for the resource recovery and waste disposal sectors. The industry that deals with waste management is massive and very specialised, a lot of what goes on within it is well beyond the knowledge of the average person, and it’s only getting more extensive and sophisticated as time goes by. What you watch in this upload is just the tip of the iceberg and you can actually label some of what is seen as old and outdated methodology!

This video highlights key waste handling processes those various materials from domestic collections are subject to, being just one example of how things have been done in Australia over the years. With a little introduction to sorting out waste at home, this video goes on to cover engineered landfills, organics composting, materials recovery facilities and provides a brilliant overview of an alternative waste treatment technology. The Chullora MRF is featured, which was the biggest and very advanced in its early days, but has since been decommissioned for almost a decade. The Eastern Creek UR-3R AWT facility had only just been opened up at the time of recording and was the next big thing for mixed household rubbish, it continues to operate today, but much has changed in this space.

This was put together when I was just a kid, but something I can appreciate so much more today than I would’ve back then. You can see it was also marketed towards a young audience with the cartoons and narration, which is quite irritating to listen to as an adult, but that Kim character really does my head in! It’s a great insight into how things are done down the line after the collection vehicles empty the bins and take the refuse away, the explanation of each system step along with visual references is excellent for those who have no idea about what occurs. In addition to the general purpose of this production, there are some fantastic sightings of old Sydney garbage trucks throughout. Be sure to watch this in the 720p quality and I hope this is greatly enjoyed!


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