No.01 ~ Introduction to Advertising | Meaning | Nature | Feature | Importance | Scope | Types |

Описание к видео No.01 ~ Introduction to Advertising | Meaning | Nature | Feature | Importance | Scope | Types |

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📕 Advertising Management PDF Book 📕


00:00 Starting
01:25 Advertising vs Marketing
04:53 What is Advertising
13:05 Nature of Advertising
17:46 Feature of Advertising
22:27 Importance or Role of advertising
34:48 Objective of Advertising
42:44 Scope of advertising
54:23 Benefits or Advantage of advertising
01:00:28 Disadvantage of advertising
01:09:31 Types of advertising
01:27:14 Key Players of advertising

👉 Meaning of Advertising

Advertising work as a source of communication between the customer ( the user of product and services ) and the advertiser.
Advertising is the means of informing and influencing ​a vast audience to buy a product or service through visual ( seen ), oral, or written messages.​ ​
Advertising is the action of calling public attention.

👉 Nature of advertising

1.) Attention seeker
2.) Has a unique selling proposition​
3.) Consumer-oriented
4.) Uses various media
5.) Paid Form

👉 Features of advertising

1.) Paid Form
2.) Impersonal Presentation
3.) Speedy and Mass Communication
4.) Target oriented

👉 Role and Importance

1.) Spreading Awareness
2.) Popularizing a Brand
3.) Increasing Demand
4.) Increased Profit
5.) Maintains the existing market
6.) It acts as salesman
7.) Reduces his burden of job
8.) It is a driving-force in decision-making

👉 Objective of Advertising

1.) Introduce a product
2.) Spreading Awareness
3.) Brand building
4.) Maintains the existing market
5.) Acquiring customers
6.) Value Creation

👉 Scope of Advertising

1.) Message
2.) Media
3.) Organization or Advertiser
4.) Product
5.) Advertising agencies
6.) Competitor
7.) Art as well as science
8.) Activities

👉 Benefits of advertising

1.) Launch of a new product
2.) Increases markets
3.) Mass sales
4.) Keeps the competitive spirit alive
5.) Creates goodwill
6.) Consumer awareness

👉 Types or Classifications of Advertising

1. Classification Based on the Media
2.) Classification Based on Geographic Area
3.) Classification Based on Target Audience
4.) Internet Advertising

1. Classification Based on the Media
A.) Print Advertising
B.) Outdoor Advertising
C.) Broadcast Advertising

A.) Print Advertising

a.) News papers
b.) Magazine
c.) Brochures
d.) Flyers

B.) Outdoor Advertising

a.) BillBoards
b.) Point of Sale Displays
c.) Retail advertising
d.) Guerilla advertising

2.) Classification Based on Geographic Area

A.) Global Advertising
B.) National Advertising
C.) Local Advertising

3. Classification based on Target Audience

A.) Consumer Advertising
B.) Business-to-Business Advertising
C.) Professional Advertising
D.) Agricultural Advertising

4.) Internet Advertising

A.) Web Banner Advertising
B.) Contextual Advertising
C.) Blog Advertising
D.) Mobile Advertising

👉 Key player of Advertising

1.) Advertiser
2.) Advertising Agency
3.) Media
4.) Suppliers
5.) Target Audience
6.) Government Authorities


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