80s classics make perfect first cars // The Late Brake Show

Описание к видео 80s classics make perfect first cars // The Late Brake Show

'Grandpa's UR Quattro influenced my 80s classic first car' said Ben Hooper from the New Forest. Welcome to the first Generation Flex episode on The Late Brake Show. This playlist is specifically aimed at celebrating 17-25 year olds whose passion for driving, restoring/modifying and owning interesting cars is in their blood.

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This first film follows the car life story of Ben, whose late Grandfather bought a red Audi UR Quattro Turbo new in 1986 and the family still have it. That car had a huge influence on 18 year old Ben, so much so that he bought his own pure 80s classic first car. Prior to this Ben had briefly owned a Rover 220 GSI and a Ginetta, but the £600 Volvo 480 with its pop up lights was the car he passed his test in.

Want to apply for being on a future Generation Flex episode?
Email us at [email protected]

affordable classic 80s first car
Grandpa's ur Quattro influenced my 80s classic first car
grandpa's ur quattro made me buy an 80s classic first car

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Filmed by: Nick Poole https://www.nickpoolecreator.com/
Editied by: Alex Tyler http://filmthistyler.co.uk/
Thumbnail by: Matt Tarrant Design https://matttarrantdesign.com

Jonny Smith
Creative content maker, car presenter & car pervert for hire since '98
Website: http://www.carpervert.com
Instagram:   / jonnycarpervert  
Twitter:   / carpervert  

0:00 Intro
1:09 Meet Ben
2:02 Back to the future, obvs
2:15 Getting out the Quattro
2:28 History of the family Quattro
3:25 Huge crash
5:00 Quattro not firing
5:50 Miles' engine diagnosis
8:30 Miles gets electrocuted
9:19 Audi digital dash
11:11 The Volvo 480 ES
11:35 Insurance
12:15 Pop up headlights
12:35 Performance
13:08 Why buy a Volvo 480?
13:18 Reliability
13:55 Cost to buy
14:14 Driving the Volvo 480
15:45 Cassette player!
16:29 Miles ManDelorean drives
17:46 Steering wheel design
19:25 Nice seatbelts
19:36 Subscribe and comment

#audiurquattro #bestfirstcar #firstclassiccar #thelatebrakeshow


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