My Worm Chow Recipe for Happy Chonky Worms

Описание к видео My Worm Chow Recipe for Happy Chonky Worms

Hi everyone!
No, that’s not a typo in the title! Several subscribers used the word ‘chinky’ to describe my fat happy breeders so I’m going with it 🤣😎🤗.

Worm chow is a tested way to add weight into worms. It has more carbs than vegetables, generally speaking. It’s also usually pretty finely ground up so worms can easily stuff it into their little mouths quickly 🪱❤️.
I believe however that again, generally speaking, most worm chows are pretty similar and the addition of this or that secret ingredient, while fun and marginally beneficial, may not make the biggest overall impact on your or my worms. If you want to buy worm chow because it’s easier or more convenient for you, then by all means do so! You can even contact me and I’ll sell you some of mine 😎.

I do talk about the benefit of various ingredients and what function they serve in a chow and that I do think is valuable information. Come along and let’s mix up some chow!

Yours in the dirt,
#redwigglers #worms #vermicompost #breederbin #cocoons


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