Appsys Multiverter MVR 64 Overview - Synthax Audio UK

Описание к видео Appsys Multiverter MVR 64 Overview - Synthax Audio UK

The Appsys Multiverter MVR-64 is now available at Described as the Swiss-army-knife for all your digital needs, the Multiverter MVR-64 gives you an amazing 64 channels of conversion for ADAT (x8), SPDIF optical, MADI optical, MADI coaxial, MADI-TP, AES50, Dante/AES67 and many more via breakout boxes (currently planned: AES3, AVB).

Clocking options supports 32, 44.1, 48... up to 192* kHz operation, Wordclock input and output on BNC. The clock master can be any incoming audio signal, or BNC, or a high-quality internal clock
MADI 96k Frame and S/MUX operation is also supported.

You also have remote control over MIDI, MIDI over MADI, USB, RS485, AES50 Aux Data channel and network socket.

The Appsys Multiverter MVR-64 also features 12 store and recall presets, a headphone amp which allows you to monitor ANY incoming signal as well as a test tone generator which simplifies troubleshooting when it comes to complex set ups.

And for extra peace of mind, the Multiverter MVR-64 is loaded with a triple-redundant power supply and can be powered with industry standard 4-pin XLR plug battery packs.

You can find out more at

   • Appsys Multiverter MVR 64 Overview - ...  

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