RLCS EU Spring Invitational Predictions

Описание к видео RLCS EU Spring Invitational Predictions

Europe is back and I am just as clueless as ever. This time I didn't have monkeys making a run because monkeys don't exist anymore. I didn't go to a zoo to verify this information myself, but based on absolutely no twitter accounts they've all gone to a different galaxy or something.

Fun fact, this is the second team that Mittaen has been on with "Galaxy" in its name. The first one was Galaxy Racer back in RLCSX. That team of Mittaen, Arju, and Eekso actually got Top 4 in the Winter Fall Major and took BDS to a Game 7 overtime in the semifinals. They were the only team to be one goal away from eliminating Team BDS from a major in RLCS X.

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