Описание к видео PRIMAL RAGE- HUNT VS DECAY!

Wow this took way shorter than I thought O_o;
This is the first full on project we've done with Blender, had a lot of bumps on the road. Stuff that was a wall that took me weeks to break, and of course add the job, financial issues, our dad's health, and the constant burnout and hoo-wee this was rough.

This vid is a first for a lot of things: First full on blender project (which explains a lot of the bumps, first animation with mammals in Primal Rage (not a surprise given the circumstances), and as a consequence;first time we've ever worked with hair and fur. Also the first animation we ever did in like...less than 2 years. In fact this vid only took 9 MONTHS@(Probably cause blender renders pretty quick compared to 3DMax) Also the first time I've ever done a 4TH animation in a series..unless KI Stupidity counts, does KI Stupidity count?

I'm gonna finally get around and do a question and answer vid seeing some of the stuff folks are asking. We weere gonna do something ambitious but this time I feel we should just answer the darn questions, so sorry if it isn't flashy.

ANYWHO, I do hope you guys enjoy this. I know this year's been pretty damn crappy. What with the politics, and the you know whats it going around. We hope this does exactly as it's intended to do: provide entertainment.

I hope the wait was worth it guys. Please enjoy!

This vid is nonprofit and only meant to entertain and express our love for this series.
All content is © to its respective owners.


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